How to Protect Your Class A RV Windshield
You know the saying, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure — meaning it’s better to take the time to prevent an incident then trying to fix it. Truer words couldn’t be spoken when it comes to RV care and maintenance. Your Class A RV is a fantastic machine that doubles both as a vehicle and a home, but something as simple as a rock hitting your RV windshield can cause a major damper in your vacation plans.
A cracked, scratched, or broken RV windshield must be repaired as soon as possible or you risk an accident due to impaired vision or injuries related to the entirety of the windshield breaking in on you. The following is a look at some great tips for protecting your Class A RV and preventing it from being damaged:
How to Protect Your Class A RV Windshield
- Keep the windshield clean and free of foreign things. Every time you pull up to a gas station with a windshield cleaning station, take advantage of it. Cleaning your windshield of bugs, mud, and all other foreign matter will prevent build-up that could otherwise roughen the glass surface of your RV windshield.
- Replace wiper blades at least every other year. As noted above, old and otherwise broken wiper blades can lead to scratches and burring on your glass. Prevent this from the onset by properly replacing your wiper blades.
- Always pull over in hail storms. Hail storms aren’t entirely uncommon here in the Southwest, despite the warm temperatures. Hail on its own can cause a lot of damage, but those damages are tenfold when you’re driving 60 miles per hour through a hailstorm. So pay attention to the weather and pull over in any heavy storm, but especially in one that has a high chance of hail.
- Keep your distance from trucks. Dump trucks, semi-trucks, and pickup trucks have a higher risk of things flying out from behind them and smashing into your RV windshield. Play it safe by keeping some distance.
Have a Damaged RV Windshield? Get It Fixed Today
If you notice a crack in your RV windshield, then you shouldn’t delay getting it fixed. Even a hairline crack can prove disastrous when on the road. Contact our team at Premier Coach Works to learn more and to schedule your service appointment.