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safe driving, Tips for RV Safe Driving in Arizona’s Desert

Tips for RV Safe Driving in Arizona’s Desert

Our shop of Premier Coach Works is located in El Mirage, Arizona, just outside of Phoenix. This beautiful location has some pretty amazing advantages, including getting to see a lot of RVers traveling through the Southwest and exploring its beauty for the very first time. Arizona is a gorgeous state, but it can also be a dangerous one. Traveling and camping in the desert can be dangerous if you don’t properly prepare your vehicle and yourself. The following is a quick look at some important safe driving tips to keep in mind before you head out into the desert.

Tips for RV Safe Driving in Arizona’s Desert

  • Regularly pay attention to your tires. Hot pavement can put a lot of strain on your RV’s tires, but not necessarily in the way you think. Modern tire rubber will hold up just fine to hot asphalt, but it’s what happens inside that you need to be concerned about. For every 10-degree increase in the road’s temperature, the tire pressure inside your RV’s tires will increase about a pound. This means that while you might begin your trip with tires correctly inflated to their manufacturer’s recommendations, it won’t stay that way for long. Within just a few hours of driving in a desert, you may find your tires well over their recommended pressure thereby risking a blow-out (this is doubly true if your tires aren’t in good condition).
  • Prepare for chilly nights. Desert days may be hot, but at night, things can get downright chilly. Not only do these extreme temperature fluctuations put further strain on your tires, but it can also catch first-time travelers unaware. Be sure to pack plenty of warm clothes, blankets, and consider a space heater as a back-up for your RV.
  • Have your cooling system inspected. It’s a good idea to have your cooling system checked before and after you do a long drive in the desert. That’s because your engine will naturally run hot, requiring more coolant than normal. In addition to having your coolant levels checked, you should also inspect all belts and hoses, as older ones are more likely to dry and crack out in the desert heat — which can leave your RV stranded and requiring a very expensive tow.

Contact Premier Coach Works Today to Schedule Your Next Maintenance Visit

For more information about getting your RV in desert-ready shape, or to schedule your next maintenance visit, contact our team today.